Be Thou My Vision - Audrey Assad Capo 1 [C]Be Thou my Vision, O [F]Lord of my [C]heart; [G]Naught be all else to me, [F]save that Thou [G]art. [F]Thou my best Thought, by [C]day or by [F]night, [C]Waking or sle... C F G
Oh The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus - Audrey Assad Capo 2 [G]Oh the [Em]deep, [Am]deep [D]love of [C]Je[G]sus Vast, un[Bm]mea[C]sured, b[G]oundless, [Am]free [G]Rolling [C]as a [G]mighty [Em]ocean [E7] [G]In its [Bm]full[C]ness ... C G Em Am D Bm E7
When I See You - Audrey Assad Capo 1 You have [G]loved me [C]well, in a [G]million [C]ways But my wounds are [G]all I [D]know So I [G]turn my [C]head, and I [G]hide my [C]face Too afraid to [G]come back [D]h... C G D Em
Abide With Me - Audrey Assad Capo 3 [C]Abide with [Am]me; fast [F]falls the [G]even[C]tide; [C]The darkness [F]deep[C]ens; [G]Lord with [C]me a[G]bide. [G7] [C]When other [Am]helpers [F]fail and [A7]comfort... C Am F G G7 A7 Dm E7
How Can I Keep From Singing - Audrey Assad Capo 3 My [C]life flows on in [F]endless song a[C]bove earth’s lamen[G]tation I [C]hear the sweet though [F]far off hymn that [G]hails a new cre[C]ation Through [C]all the tumul... C F G
New Every Morning - Audrey Assad Capo 3 Tone [C] In the be[F]ginning You [G]hovered over the [C]waters: [F] You broke an [G]unbroken [Am]silence: [F]...You spoke [G]light into dark[C]ness [Am]...[C]And there wa... C F G Am Em
Ubi Caritas - Audrey Assad Capo 3 Tone [Am] Ubi [F]car[G]itas et [Am]amor, [F]Deus [G]ibi [Am]est. Congre[F]gavit [G]nos in [Am]unum [F]Christi [G]a[Am]mor. Exsult[Dm]emus, et in [Em]ipso [F]jucun[G]de[Am... Am F G Dm Em
Nothing To Fear - Audrey Assad Tone [C] [F]When you pass through the waters [G]I will be with you And the [F]depths of the river [G]shall not overwhelm When you [F]walk through the fire [G]you will not be bur... C F G Am Dm